Wednesday, August 17, 2011
How to create a path for prom?
So this year, for our school's Junior Senior Banquet (prom), we are planning on a black and white theme- we're hoping it will seem like a walk through the park at night. We have everything rented and painted. And we had made a black fabric path. However, the insurance policy of the building we are using will not allow fabric on the ground (because of people tripping, etc.) So, we were thinking rocks along the sides to suggest a path. But now we're concerned that girls' dresses might catch on the rocks and drag them along. Any suggestions for a simple, safe, and practical way to create a path?
When asked does your insurance company have to give you with the name and contact info of their E & O Ins?
The State Insurance Commission, knowing we had concerns (complaints, actually) told us to ask for our local companys Error and Omissions Insurance Provider. Our local company first said they couldn't give it out, then a week later said they would call me in the morning, which of course they didn't.
How can I look older than I do, and at least look my age?
I know it sounds like I'm avoiding answering your question, but enjoy looking younger while you can. As long as you're not toting around a pacifier and your wardrobe doesn't consist of Blues Clues tshirts, there's nothing wrong with looking young.
How many flybys of celestial objects are due in the future?
I'm just curious. I'm also quite exited, this year in August, the Dawn probe is due to flyby the second most mive asteroid Vesta, if i'm not mistaken. Thank you!
What does this guy want from me?
I liked this guy, we'll call him Jacques, for almost a year. We moved in together (completely platonic friends, there were also five other people living with us! May I also say we're pretty much best buds). I stopped liking him because he found out and that might have been awkward. We sometimes slept/sleep in each others beds because we like to have someone there to cuddle with I guess. A month and a half ago, on a drunk night(they usually are), he started hitting on me. We kissed and not a whole lot more happened. This was a mistake, for both of us. We talked about it and said that it shouldn't happen again, he told me he didn't like forward to my birthday (March 4th). I slept at his place and I honestly just wanted to sleep. I thought he was asleep, but I guess not because the next thing I know he's trying to feel me up and tries kissing me, but misses TWICE! I sort of resist and about a half hour later I try kissing him, but I get no response. Help! I am confused..
Do you think that this paragraph about religion is true?
If we open any recent book on the origins of religion, we find that there is one point on which all authors are in agreement. They all agree in saying that religion arose in the world out of fear. Primitive forest-dwelling man feared thunder and lightning, darkness and storms, and various things about him that he was unable to understand or control. His method of avoiding the danger he saw in these phenomena was to demonstrate either humility and submission or homage and reverence, depending on which he felt was most appropriate. Later, as man's knowledge and understanding developed, this fear of the forces of nature changed into a fear of phenomena more difficult to apprehend. Religions based on deference to objects of fear such as natural phenomena, spirits and celestial beings, came to be looked down upon as unreasonable and ridiculous. And then man's fear became still more refined into a fear of suffering, suffering of the sort that cannot be alleviated by any material means. He came to fear the suffering inherent in birth, ageing, pain and death, the disappointment and hopelessness which arise out of desire, anger and stupidity, which no amount of power or wealth can relieve. Long ago in India, a country well provided with thinkers and investigators, intelligent people dispensed with all paying of homage to supernatural beings and started seeking instead the means of conquering birth, ageing, pain and death, the means of eliminating greed, hatred and delusion.
What is meant by the triumph of Manifest Destiny?
It was an excuse to force the Indians to move west. The American government didn't wan't to look bad so they said it was God's will for it to be that way.
Prenatal Vitamins.... what if you cant take them?
ok, im 22 weeks. and ive tried Several types of prenatal vitamins....even flinestones. and they all make me sick. my doctor said i should be ok if i supplement many healthy food in my diet... well i eat a lot of tums... but i have a heard time keeping fruits and veggies down. my diet is literally limited to Pop tarts and hot pockets, and somtimes crackers...i know its strange... i wanna do well for my baby, and the doctor says its ok, but im worried he's going to have issues when hes born because of it. am i just worrying too much??
Help with skateboards!!!?
So a couple of days ago i was doing ollies on my skateboard. Then yesterday I was doing amazing ollies on my friends skateboard, then when i came home that same day I couldnt do anything on my skateboard. Whats wrong, what should i change, what should i do?
Could the scientists on here explain what's misleading about this BBC docu. bumph? You often sound exasperated?
Humans didn't evolve from apes. We share a common ancestor with them. That's why it's misleading. Someone's ignorance of a subject and their unwillingness to do even a simple google search on something before they take it as fact is not an excuse for trying to use strawman arguments to disprove a subject they know nothing about.
I feed but just in case i need to use formula?
Well when I had to start weaning my 8 1/2 month old (he's now almost 10 months) he would absolutely not take anything other than parent's choice gentle formula. I wouldn't suggest switching back and forth between formula and feeding. It could make her tummy upset, as you've already experienced. milk is best so I would just continue doing that instead of worrying about formula. Just pump when you have to be away.
How Painfull Are Tattoos????????????/?
im getting my first tattoo on my 18th bday, how painfull are they???. im a little nervous about getting one, is it safe to get a tattoo on my wrist???
Do most people think that "normal" children are more "valuable" than children with Down Syndrome?
Adolf Hitler was born "normal" and he didn't think children with Down Syndrome were very "valuable"..
What is your opinion on this article?
It makes me think a Hindu girl think about marrying a Muslim girl. But I'm not sure if its true. But I live in my own closet American world so I don't know
I'm not getting an adequate answer to my psychic dependence question.?
This is similar to training a huge elephant. The little Asian boys make a large meal of cooked grains to ease the enormous needs of an elephant tummy. Then the elephant is able to learn. A crazy man needs to have his needs reduced so he can sit still and talk again.
What are some good movies for an Iraqi War veteran?
I have a friend who just got back from Iraq and is having a hard time. What are some good movies that might help him feel better, but that he can also relate to?
How can i avoid the extra charge with at&t smartphones?
Right now i have an lg incite (smartphone) that i bought with a contract before the new data package policy with smartphones. My dad block internet on our plan so even if i wanted to go online i can't. I recently bought a Samsung blackjack 2 from ebay and wanted to know if i put my sim in the new phone could they detect it's a smartphone and add the data package to my plan even though i have internet blocked? If they can could i do anything to avoid it? The only thing i use my phone for is talking and texting so i would have no use for the the whole data package.
Why does NBC market the Olympics "LIVE" in the West Coast?
Since it's tape delayed 3 hours for the West Coast..why do they insist on pushing the "LIVE" branding..not even a disclamer? Aren't they supposed to put have a little disclaimer saying "taped earlier" like what they do on SNL? At no point during the broadcast do they mention that it's tape delayed which says a lot about the integrity of NBC. Do they think since they're in China they might as well manipulate and twist information?
Calling all artists. Why do most of us have difficulties living in congested areas?
Am I generalizing? Is it because my third eye is opened? I cannot live in the city or suburbs. Most artist hide out in the country or away from crowds. Nature gives us life.
How To Say 'Yes'? xP?
You need to tell him how you feel in person, so anytime you see him in private away from friends is the best time to tell him, dont sound like you want him so bad cause that will freak him the f*** out! Dont plan what your gonna say because it may sound to rehearsed
Brain Teasers paper...?
I think that the boy will jump farther going the opposite cuz the plane goes forward and the boy stays in midair then lands closer to the back of the plane. Think about it. If you jumped in the air while a rug was pulled from under you, you'd end up at the end of the rug when you landed, right? And I think the smoke will blow southeast. Sorry, not very good at math. And thirdly, I think it will take one student to dig half a feet wide and long in 30 seconds? Sorry again. Not good at math. Hope that'll help you.
What type of tree symbolises love?
I am thinking of buying a tree for my boyfriend for him to plant in the garden of his new house. It needs to look nice and also have some symbolic meaning, that is symbolise the love we have together. I've looked on the web already and have just come up with the hawthorn tree, which is the tree traditionally given to couples who are getting married. Don't want to give him the wrong idea and also I don't think this is a very nice looking tree either. Any other suggestions?
Who else besides Jehovah's Witnesses uses the term 'disfellowship'?
It doesn't surprise me in the least-I met a man in field service who gave me a flier to come to his church to learn about the book of Revelation and its meaning-guess what in his car he had our Revelation book. Talk about the down low, they read and use our literature for their sermons.
How do I find the pressure exerted?
How do I find pressure exerted in the closed end of an apparatus if the atmospheric pressure is 720.0 torr and the height of the water column is 22.3 cm?
I am SO confused?? PEASLE answer, i need help?
well my best friend Irvin introduce me to his friend Arnold and i think he is cute.when we hug,there hugs that A bf/gf would give, really close,tight,with both hands & more than a sec. & everytime he sees me walking,he goes after me & gives me a hug & i always catch him starring at me & wen i look at him back he smiles but there those long dreamy stares, not regular stares. & everytime Irvin messes wit me, Arnold defends me & on myspace i'm his 8th top like i soon as i added him he put me there. & he always leaves me photo comments sayin damn u look y or ur beautiful. & wenever someone is talkin to him he jus stares at me then he says "huh? i didn't hear u" to the person that was talkin to him & lately he has been walkin me to my 4th period.but i don't know if he likes me or he jus sees me as a friend?? i really want to know becuz i like him &i want to kno so i could make a move or something.
Why do you think Adam Lambert lost Idol?
Kris Allen is great too, I think they both have powerful voices, but it seemed like Adam had it in to win the past few weeks. I have heard Adam is gay, and that doesn't really affect my opinion about him, but do you think that may have been the reason he lost? Are people still really that unnaccepting of people?
Obama to use teleprompter in speech in India, why are they surprised?
The teleprompter non-issue is dead. Move on. It's normal for any public official making a speech to use one, or notes.
Anti spyware/adware programs for Win7?
Anyone know of some good software out there? Freeware is preffered, but I don't mind anything really, just need some names. thanks
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
I need help asking this girl, please anyone!!!!!!!!?
Well I like to start by telling some info about everything I'm now a senior in HS. Started sometime in January when me and my ex-girlfriend broke up. She was cheating on me and I didn't know until weeks after we broke up. She just want to end it but this is not about her. I'm on the track team in that time still moving on staying strong a little bit. Then at my practice I saw this really pretty girl, I'm to shy to say anything and let her slip away. Now her locker is next to a cl I have. We don't know each other but I would like to get to know her. For the past days I don't know what to say and getting my friends to help me but I found out that only I can help myself, I have a crush on her but she doesn't know I exist. Tomorrow I going to do the direct approach and talk to her straight up. But I'm nervous and not felling so good about my chances, Please Help Me!!!!!
How long does ham keep if unopened?
I do not think they'll get sick, if there was no off smell. If it was me , ham usually lasts a long time but Id fry it up in a pan just to be safe. At least nuke it in the microwave to kill off any bacteria.
Would you read my essay and see if I should submit it for a contest?
Right now it is way too informal. Do not use the pronoun "you," and watch your spelling. Your language in general is too informal.
Symbolic significance between the moon and the great goddess...
can anyone explain to me the symbolic significance between the moon and the great goddess of the upper palaeolithic and neolithic.
Would someone explain to me how Kendra Wilkinson is a gold digger?
I guess because kendra grew up fairly broke so ANY amount of money a guy has would be appealing to her. I don't understand why any man would want to marry and have children with a woman who dated an 80 year old man and lived in the playboy mansion, took her clothes off for a living, and has no education what so ever. NFL players are the dumbest men on earth, they all fall for the same type of woman. Go figure.
Does adultery dissolve the marriage covenant?
Marriage mates must be faithful to each other. Adultery is a sin against God and against one’s mate. (Hebrews 13:4) relations outside the marriage is the only Scriptural ground for divorce allowing for remarriage. (Matthew 19:6-9; Romans 7:2, 3) Jehovah hates it when people get divorced
No regret. No cash flow. No expectations?
This is the song title of a hit record in the mid seventies, by a trio who were very famous in the sixties. Any one know the name of the trio?
What do you think of my poem?
Overall I thought it was okay. The last half was much more sturdy (if that makes sense). The first half to me was a little weak, perhaps you could add some more meat to it. The message here is clear: you yearn to break free yet are afraid of the world's want to make a splash on the global scene, yet are held back by your own personal reservations. Thanks for sharing, peace.
Can you think of any middle names for these:?
Kalliope, Anastasia, Kara, Nyssa, Celia, Ivy, Sarina, Kallista, Despina, Stephanie, Tabitha, Zoe, Alice, Nerida, Abagail, Arianna, Maya.
Brain Teaser!!?
Lol, both of you seem right but youre using hours not seconds. Remember to use standard units physics mateys : )
This week i recieved a gram of "purple haze" ultimately its was a really hard consistency and to me it seemed like mexican box weed possibly laced with something(wasn't even purple). well nevertheless i smoked this stuff and on several occasions it made me trip pretty hard. i had this rush of pain/tingly feeling in my neck along with the most incredible body high. also it made me pretty delusional/ this feeling of being away from my body. I have used hallucinogens before and am an advent smoker so i figured something might be up with this weed. WHAT COULD IT HAVE BEEN LACED WITH
Setting up vpn between ubuntu and xp?
I have a computer running ubuntu maverick meercat and i need to setup a vpn to a computer running microsoft xp, and it is in a different location using a different internet connection. Will someone explain how to do this?
Just for girls: Do you spit when you are in company of other girls?
Sometimes, I have seen this nice scene: a group of girls, usually smoking and suddenly some of them spit to the ground. Do you do it? When affirmative, please give more details, like the quantity of girls you are with, how much of them spit, ...
Please explain Julius caesars and Antonys friendship? were they loyal friends?
Well, rather similar to how Tokugara, Ishida and Hideyoshi all followed on from Nobunaga Oda in Japan it seems, Marcus Antonius and Octavi both saw themselves as successors to Julius Caesar...I am not sure how and why Marc Antony claimed to be a worthy successor, but Octavian was the nephew and adopted son of Caesar, so perhaps Julius was closer to and more fond of Octavian than Marc Antony, one would ume...a good text to read would probably be the Twelve Caesars (I am just thinking of an obvious Ancient Roman history/biography, I have not yet read much Roman literature)...
Re Schrodinger cat, if there are many nuclei which could decay does this lead to multi dead cats?
If a piece of radioactive material is used in the experiment, this might contain billions of nuclei, each of which could decay and trigger the death of the cat. When the box is sealed there is no way of knowing which, if any nuclei have decayed. Does this imply each nucleus can be considered to be in 2 states, ie decayed or not decayed, and for each nucleus does this imply that the cat is also in 2 states, dead/alive.
Kaspersky Internet Security - Urgent help needed please?
What ever you do DONT get Norton. It slows your computer down and is inefficient. Look at This is easily the best with no difference in performance. They have a 30 day trial and is only �35 per year.
Would a real woman do this .to her marrage.?
would a real woman married do this to her family. her man now who left her and filed for divorce.having her kids away from the home and she is in there alone with .2. guys who are .18. and.19. comming on to them like she did and well had with me. to start with my buddy. as well when i was done then he waited till she cleaned it up out of her self you know what then do my buddy. afterdwards .those tramps her age .late.40.s thing.s she was hot. no way just a easy can you with out a dought say she.s decent. no she wasnt in her marrage. kids and those streach marks .wow. very sicking but at that time it would do. not much. trailer park trash like her is no woman to no man to even think a young man would love her. but hump. and dump her sorry ***. why does a like her claim to be a woman no way. much less a mom. and wife
Should i switch my son to a toddler bed?
My son just turned 2 and he still sleeps in a crib. However, i usually snuggle him to sleep. Now though he will lay on the bed or couch while i sit next to him till he goes to sleep and then i just move him to his crib. I want him to just be able to lay and sleep in his bed without me holding him till he is sleeping or having to move him all the time. My question is would it be easier to teach him to just lay down and go to sleep in his crib or in a toddler bed where i could sit next to him and slowly work our way to me not having to sit next to him? Or should i leave him in his crib?
Monday, August 15, 2011
Help need to shed 8 kgs. Age 46 female. How long should I walk each day to get the weight off by end April ?
walking an hour a day will help a lot, but you need to cut your calorie intake by 500 calories a day too.
Dose he really have feelings 4 me?
Ok so i have been talking to this guy for a while now.. we have hung out like twice.. we met at school and he has told me im cute but that was when told him i thought he was.. he is such a nice guy like he cares about how u feel and say i have a big test or smthing hes always like hw did i go... o if i have somthing elts going n he askes me bout it... so he cares i guess? and like he has a car that has big wheels on it and hes like u need help getting in. and when he first met my parents he really tryed to make a good impression on them .. like he was worried that he wasnt gong to and he really wanted to...But he has only told his parents abut me and not his friends cause he said he likesto keep somethings privet... which i dont get that much..oh and he was like of course were frinds.. but i have been wondering if it could be more sme day... but the thing im confused about is that we have nly hung out twice but i know hes busy and all..... Please help me ut and tell me ur honest opinion....
2 bfns, Af due yesterday... But call me crazy I still think I am pregnant. Advice?
I've been having symptoms for about a week and a half now. Sore , nausea, head aches, weird twinges in my ovaries, constipated, moody as hell, and extremely vivid dreams. So yesterday evening I took a test and bfn. So today I took another with first morning pee, still bfn. I'm going to wait a few days, but has this happened to anyone and then a few days later they get a bfp?
What do you typically eat in a day?
You're going to need to slowly, key word there, work up to 2500 calories a day to gain weight. Eating 1200 will still make you lose weight. Also, since your body is finally getting food it's on this "hyper" mode and is digesting the food as fast as possible to get the nutrients. This is why you are losing weight. Personally, I believe you do need to be in a hospital. Your vitals are extremely low, I am so surprised that you're still walking and talking with that blood pressure. When I was anorexic and my blood pressure dropped to 70/50-ish I couldn't walk through a parking lot(!). You also need to be under the care of a nutritionist and a medical doctor so you gain weight in a healthy way and a steady way else your heart will suffer just as if you lose weight too fast. I know, it's ironic. I wouldn't trust my life completely on what Y!A gives. To avoid be sectioned I strongly would say to go voluntarily, that way you have more control over your treatment and what happens to you. If you are sectioned you have no control because they basically label you as unable to make rational decisions. I say, if you really want to get better, go check yourself into a hospital soon, perhaps today or tomorrow. The sooner the better so you can avoid the sectioning.
Roger Sanchez Top 100 Club Clics at MTV Dance?
This Monday (I guess) at MTV Dance (UK) was given Top 100 Club Clics presented by Roger Sanchez, I wanted very much to watch it, but unfortunately I couldn't. Has anyone taken notes of the whole playlist or at least does anyone know if there is any other place I can watch it on the net?
Tattoo design OPINION!!!!!!!!!!!!?
i got the 4 card suit symbols on my lower back (tramp stamp) and it looks kinda plain.. i wanted to make it longer and bigger with cool designs.. i have a (black-club red-heart black-spade red-diamond) what would look good with it.. like stars and swirly things? umm i dont kno what would look good ?? opinions plzz!!
Why am I not having bowel movements?
I dont know.... take exlax and eat a full bowl of all bran twice a day and youll be running to the bathroom like there's no tomorrow!
Sri Lanka Tour Advice?
We will be travelling from Kandy to Unawatuna by car but would like to see the Pinewala Elephant Orphange. Is the orphange on the way or would it require a lengthy detour?
In the movie "The Royal Tenenbaums" the pictures....?
when Eli and Richie are talking in Eli's apartment about Margo. There arepaintings behind them of men with masks riding quads. Are those real or not and where can i find copys of them.
Why does Yahoo Answers insist on spewing out more Global Warming propaganda?
becuz its a hot topic for everyone now and people wanna hear what they want to hear, and no one notices that this is natural, wheather changes over time nomatter how much we try 2 stop it , its called evolution, this earth has had warm weather, to hot dry weather to a ice age, and itll continue to change, but what can you do we cant stop the drones they come in mes of tardation
Rate my poem please? I never get any answers :(?
its very well put together, and excellent 4 a 15 year old, you should name it dark seas it prolly dosnt go well with it but its a good name lol
Bad Pattern? Scorpio Men Killing Pregnant Women?
There is no real substantial evidence that Scorpios are killers but it is very evident that they have very disgusting personalities. I was raised by one and felt the same way the poster "RAWR" felt everyday, like you wanna kill yourself.
For anyone who thinks Scorpios are evil?
Don;t forget Hitler and Saddam Hussein were two crazy bulls! LOL Don't get mad at the haters. Just laugh at 'em. I always do. My sign is supposed to be the single most boring sign of the zodiac. So you're evil and I'm a bore...Let 'em say what they want. Screw 'em ! LOL
What's a good dressy watch for an interview?
I am normally a casio g-shock fan, but need a nice watch to go with my suit for med school interviews. Is there any one you can recommend? On the low end is this (a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a and on the high end is this (a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a Are either of these good, or is there anything in between their price points that you think would be better with a black or navy pin stripe suit ?
Why is Holder cheering that the 9/11 terrorists won't get the death penalty?
Because he is like Obama. He probably is a Muslim, too. Therefore, Americans are the enemy and not the Muslim terrorists. Those are considered their friends.
Where Should A Counselor Draw The Line?
I am currently going through a custody battle after raising my daughter alone for over 4 yrs. My ex has brought many pages worth of allegations against me to court and I was ordered to provide my daughter immediate counseling. I met with the counselor and provided her with all court doents. She met with my daughter on two occasions before meeting with her father. Although I provided her with all the accusations, after meeting with him, she decides then to call CPS. They have visited my daughter at school and my home on 2 different occasions for 2 different reports. They found nothing on each visit. The counselor now asks that I drop my daughter off and leave her alone. She interogates her about me and never ?'s about Daddy. My daughter told her recently she knew Daddy went to jail. Instead of asking her how she felt about that, her response to my daughter is, oh honey, that was all a misunderstanding. There was no misunderstanding the guy got into a fight with a
If a cell is like a restaurant.. what would be the nucleolus and smooth er?
nucleolous could be like the owner cuz they suppy the chefs, and a smooth er is a kitchen without chefs... cuz ribosomes are chefs... lol!
Which of these anti-spywares would you rate as the Best?
Spybot Search & Destroy is the best one out of all of them. I tried them all before. I must admit, Spybot saved my old computer from a spyware that was in my computer for so many months that I couldn't find and remove it. It was then when I decided to try Spybot, which was when it found the spyware and got rid of it for me. (Made me happy). I became convinced that it was great! Until it stopped working on me one day... But now I have a new computer :).
How can I stop my dog from ripping up plants?
When my dog did this I used this spray that wasn't harmful to plants but when the dog bit it, it would taste absolutely horrible. You could find it at any pet shop probably.
CHEMISTRY----> If aqueous solutions were made with the following molal concentrations:?
I'm not sure but if the compound has ionic bondings then it takes more energy to break the bond. So e) is not the answer. There is 7 bonds in a) so I think that is the answer. Though c) has the largest number of moles, there is only 3 bonds in one compound. I'm not sure about my answer.. But hope it helps somehow. :)
Can anyone give me some ideas on a dress?
Go with blue it makes your eyes stand out more. Try a knee length dress so that you look flirty but not too much is showing off. Don't so something that is too revealing up top. Just enough to kind of get a glimpse if you know what I mean. Try a halter top if you have broad shoulders.
The name of a movie with angela bett in? later she dies at the end ; they play oo child (song)?
its this movie where angela bett plays in its set in new york i think and she had a girl and like three boys. and the girl went to go stay with some relative . i cant really describe . but in the beginning of the movie the little black girl was caught stealing meat and stuff from the store and was caught. another part was where she peed on her self cause she couldnt make it to the bathroom . im confusng you probably ? sorry tho . i just really need to know that movie title.
Just bought a 7 pound pork loin on sale. Will divide into sections and freeze. Usage recipes?
There are 2 people in my and hubby, thus the need to use in smaller sections. I would like crock pot ideas as well as others. Thank you!
Is it sacrilegious depravity to decorate the White House Christmas tree with transvestites, Mao and Obama?
I find it fascinating that it is a close of a christmas tree ornament, but not a picture of the tree in the White House. If the photographer was able to get those close-ups they should have also gotten a picture of it in the White House. Until I see that I call this out of context BULL.
How bad does Missouri suck?
I'm from st. louis, and I cant believe that Missouri is the ONLY state who cant get their sh*t together and pick a candidate! Every other state is red or blue....but not missouri...just one big white state on the electoral map! White huh? That sounds about right....(geeze)
How come liberals, independents are not treating Nancy Pelosi like they hatefully treated Sarah Palin?
Because they run the media, and hate to admit when they louse things up. The white house could be on fire, our vice president could be screwing every intern in town, and Obama could be a Muslim terrorist, but they still wouldnt admit it.
Suggestions for my fantasy baseball team?
Bench JD Drew and Chris Young for now. Young is usually better in May, but he's not looking good right now. Start Werth and Church, or anyone decent on the wire (Fowler, Morales, etc.). Frason is droppable because Downs seems to have the closer job secure for now. I would start Konerko over Bartlett as well, but both are riding hot streaks.
What was the procedure behind Aztec (heart) sacrifice?
Discovery channel had a show about this not too long ago. They were trying to determine the process that the Aztecs used with the tools at hand since they would execute hundreds at a time. They first tried the typical process you would expect, they tried to open the plate and extract the heart, but the stone knifes would break fairly quickly and it would be a strenous process seperating the plate to get access to the heart cavity. As you can imagine this process was pretty slow. They finally determined that the priest would perform an vertical incision below the sternum between the lower rib cage and then reach up and extract the heart. They were able to simulate doing this process in under 5 seconds. Pretty brutal people for sure.
Sunday, August 14, 2011
How Long Is The Arnold cameo?
Ok, Terminator Salvation opened 2day, I know that Arnold Schwarzenegger will be in it because I read a prescreening review, I wanted 2 know how long u see Arnold, Thanks
Haven't you ever heard of Peter, Susan, Edmund, and Lucy Pevensie, from Chronicles of Narnia?
I'm surprised at how some people don't even know who the Pevensie children are! I mean, don't these people read books? I've come across some people who look at me like I'm talking Greek, or something! "Huh? Susan? Who's that?" They don't even know who C.S. Lewis is!
Connecting laptop to TV?
If your laptop has an HDMI port, buy an HDMI cable. If it does not buy a VGA cable, both of these work with any device with the proper port. There is no such thing as a "connection wire" specifically for an HP laptop. As for the one you linked to, yes that will work, the package consists of one VGA cable for video, and a headphone jack to RCA cable for sound, though if your laptop has an hdmi port, which after some research I can safely ume it does, buy an HDMI cable, it will offer you the best picture and sound quality in one single cable. Once again any HDMI cable will work, just make sure you get one that is long enough to fit your needs.
How close am I to water intoxication?
You're fine. Water intoxication usually only happens if you drink liters of water within about two hours. Coffee is actually a diuretic (it makes you pee). The headache is probably unrelated or you're worrying so much your making yourself feel those symptoms.
The dust in my house is affecting my health?
My house is so cluttered up with crap and there is dust everywhere. I have been sneezing alot recently and I have asthma. I am getting sick of people shouting "swine flu!" every time I sneeze it's embarring. I do not think that it is a time of year thing I think that it is because of the state my house is in. My parents don't really do anything about it (they don't have much time to be fair) I vacuum my room all the time but the dust just keeps coming back. I went to stay with a relative for 4 days and I never sneezed once. What can I do about this?
Where can I bring my snowboard to get waxed in calgary?
is there anywhere I can drop my snowboard off to get it waxed? or an easier way I can do it at without having to take the bindings off and using an iron? do the spray waxes work?
Would you like to see more great hand-drawn cartoons such as old Tom & Jerry or Tex Avery's being made today ?
side by side with an overbearing 3D Animation industry ; why can't we have the best of both worlds ? Japanese animators never stopped drawing until now.
Am I good enough for Top 10 B-Schools?
I doubt it, but there is always a possibility. Your GMAT is remarkable, but you GPA is very low. I'd say you have almost no chance at Oxford or LBS, since they generally put almost zero weight on the GMAT/GRE, but far too much emphasis on GPA. If you just have a BBA and not a lot of math background, even with your great GMAT, MIT will be difficult since they are a quant heavy finance school. Princeton could be a possibility, but it will come down to professors going to bat for you and writing great letters of rec. If there is a chance of getting the GPA to over a 3.5 by the time you apply, the UK schools might still be a long shot, but the American schools will be more of a possibility. Perhaps also check some lower ranked schools, since the ones you are applying to are all very highly ranked (not saying you can't get in, but a little diversification never hurts). Good luck!
I you knew the police were abut to search you where would you hide your drugs? (hypothetically speaking)?
I don't advocate drugs and I'm sure none of you use drugs. I just want to see where people would hide them in an emergency.
What are the lyrics to Bruno Mar's 'Just The Way You Are'?
Today me and my friend were playing that songand heard a certain part that we weren't for sure about. So we replayed it. And we heard to different things. I heard "...her nails, her nails. I could kiss them all day if she let me." She heard "her lips, her lips. I could kiss them all day if she let me." I don't know who's right... but I'm kinda thinking it's me. Haha. Someone tell me who's right. Please and thank you :)
What months do the school year run in the southern hemisphere?
January - December. They are split into 4 terms (in most states) and between years there is 6 weeks of Christmas holidays.
What can political & social scientist & macroeconomists learn from one another about POVERTY & PROSPERITY?
"We see a number of experts who opine about poverty and prosperity: i.e., macroeconomists, businessmen, educators, political scientists, social scientists, etc. We rarely see enough integration, where the experts of one domain borrow insights from another, and attempt to create an even more robust intellectual framework."
My car was side swipped on the driver side; what are my changes in small claim court suit for damages?
It was a hit an run I chased the person an got their license plate number when the person realized I was chasing them they pulled over...they had a dog in the front seat and a male in the back...the officer gave me the ticket for improper lane change and would not let me talk or explain what happen. I went to court the prosecutor told me plead no contest pay the ticket and suit her...I dont have anywitness but I have pictures of the scene and a board map police report. The insurance department decieded in her favor because I recieved the ticket......what would my chances be winning the suit for my damages to get my car repaired? She dented my deiver-side door fender cracked my mirror and broke my door handel and tire rod $3,500 of damages
Handicapped pre-school child school laws?
We have a 3 year old granddaughter who is severely disabled. She began attending a public school (small rural area) last fall. I would like to know what options are available - does she have to attend the public school system (her mother receives istance for her and is a single mom) Does she have to attend school at all? We have issues with the (very young) teacher that we feel shows lack of knowledge with a child as handicapped as my granddaughter (only child with both physical and mental issues - 75% of brain destroyed due to stroke at 2 weeks of age). There have been issues with her wheelchair being broken - in which they denied and tried to blame us....she has issued complaints because she claimed my granddaughters hair was not combed - without taking into consideration that my granddaughter's head is full of "hills and valleys" due to surgeries and tubing in her skull and her poor hair will not lay down - it also breaks off due to her twisting and turning her head against the wheelchair back. Another complaint was her teeth are crooked and her breath foul...again without considering that she sits with saliva in her mouth continually and her physical disability has everything on her body is just becoming a bit ridiculous. We were wondering what other school options may be available - in our rural county the public school system is the only option here but there must be more than this - somewhere. The "system" will not send the therapists to her home since she turned 3 years old and told us the public school was our only option from here out....that cannot be right. I am at a point where I do not want her there any longer. Also - there is a dress code...she can wear any SOLID color polo shirt (or on up) but slacks (blue, black or Kaki) or jeans must be plain without ruffles, flower designs, pockets etc...she wears 18 month pant sizes and 24 month shirt sizes - infant sizes and everything has ruffles and flowers ...and impossible to find the requirements...the school advised us to try Coles or Penny's!!! My daughter cannot afford much being a single mom.
I have to get a new phone.. what should i get?
iphone because u can put your itunes music on it, search the web, and txt but they do cost alot of money.
MS episodes/symptoms question?
Hello - first of all I do not have MS - my half sister does and I have Lupus (which is an autoimmune disease). I find it helpful to actively be involved in the online support groups and I read the latest news on the official Lupus site. I have attached some sites below - hopefully with chatting on line someone can help you with any issues and symptoms you are experiencing. Good luck to you and God Bless.
Macre on Tamils in sri lanka will further deepen once Sonia Gandhi & Congress comes back to power?
sonia lost her husband to LTTE. do you think she would allow them to go on. their land and liberty at srilankan army has to shoot whatever it takes to eliminate LT TE. SO NO ONE EXCEPT LTTE and GOD has to be blamed for death of innocent tamils.
Does He Like Me ?!?!?!?!?
Well There's This Boy <3 Uqh He's One Of My Best Friends He's Cute, Funny, Amazing, He's Basically Perfect <3 (For Me!) He Flirts Alot With Me, and Iwant To Tell Him But I'm Afraid He Will Idk Not Be My Friend Anymore /: Uqh Help !
If you are a native of Africa does that automatically make you black?
First of all if you are born in America and you are black you are american same for whites and hispanics. And why do we need to use all of that stuff if you are black you are black if you are spanish you are hispanic same as whites. But like I said if you are born here in the U.S you are American. And so many people are mixed now so pretty soon in a couple of years so many more will be different races which I find fine nothing wrong with thing's are changing:)
Im looking for a video game testing job. Can someone find the right place to go to for information?
I live near seattle and wanna know if there is a video game testing job that i could look up for more information on how to become a tester. Can anyone help me?
Is this processor compatible with my laptop?
I want to upgrade my laptop with an Intel Pentium E5700 3 GHz Processor - Dual-core 800 MHz FSB. My laptop specs are: Dell Inspiron 1545 Pentium (R) Dual-Core CPU T4300 @ 2.1Ghz, RAM 4 GB, system type 64-bit operating system. Would this be compatable? Thank you :)
What can u take for gall stones pain whilst feeding?
i found i have gall stones whilst i was pregnant but didnt get any attacks back then, since i have given birth am getting really bad painfull attack. in 8 weeks already had 7 and lasting for about half n hour
How do you sharpen your images?
I mount my camera on a tripod, use Aperture Priority, set my 21mm lens to f16 and focus it at 6 feet so my depth of field is from 2'-2" to infinity and use a cable release or the camera's self-timer to release the shutter. Makes for some very sharp pictures especially with ISO 100 film.
Getting drunk for the first time?
eat a full meal but don't over eat. Make sure its something with bread and let it digest before you start drinking and take pretzels or peanuts in your pocket incase you get there and there is nothing to eat. If you are worried about getting smashed cut the alcohol with a non alcoholic drink pop, juice.... Coca Cola mixes well with most liquors. The other thing you can do is if they drink straight from the bottle make it look like your drinking but keep your mouth closed or spit into an empty beer bottle make it look like your chasing the liquor with beer. I wouldn't be too worried about what you will say because you shouldn't loose control of what your thoughts are just your motor skills so please DO NOT DRIVE after drinking unless you are 100% sure it is out of your system. (normally takes a few hours to clear your system but since it your 1st time wait longer than that)
How's the beginning of my story?
Wow, that is really good. I love the diction and sentence structure of it all. Hopefully you will describe the setting a bit, where they are, how it looks, how it smells, what noises are around them.. etc.. But for now it is, captivating.
What is the difference between mitosis and meiosis?
i am doing a project for my living enviroment teacher. And we need to compare and contrast mitosis and meiosis. Can anybody help me out with this one please!!
I ran a red light then it changed to green?
I don't think you technically ran the light because you did stop . That distance is well within what's accepted. I think the chances of getting a ticket are almost zero.
In high school all girls know we ?
I hear girls talk abou it all the time saying things like '''all guys '' or hope he dosent do it to your facebook . All this turns me on but theyll never know so yeah just saying put your thoughts down there
Weird gray patches on dog's elbows?
My boyfriend, his friend, and I went on a nature walk at a local conservation area last night and we could hear a beagle after rabbits. He sounded really close, but suddenly my bf's friend says, "That's not a beagle." Stalking up the path, with the same intent on Sheldon that a cheetah has hunting antelope, is a HUGE black Great Dane. My boyfriend tried to be all macho and goes, "Everybody walk slowly and stand next to me." I, being a very doggy person, crouched down, clapped my hands together, and said, "Tum here boy!" and the dog's ears went back and he came right to me with his tail wagging. He and his beagle buddy accompanied us for about half of our walk before heading off for home (his tag indicated that he lived nearby) and I studied him. He had these weird gray patches on his elbows. No fur, and they were soft and squishy. I couldn't tell if it was skin and his owner had been rubbing lotion or something on them, or if it was some kind of like...mold growing on his skin...?
Have you ever seen an athlete with acne?
that was me when I was a teenager - competitive swimming and water polo. my acne was bad and it got worse if I stayed out of the pool for several days. back then we didn't have all the remedies that are available now days. we had instruments for popping pimples called loop extractors. I wouldn't recommend it. I couldn't help but notice the one suggestion for accutane. That stuff works really good but sometimes has disastrous side effects. Be sure it's a risk you want to take before you try it. read up on it first.
Combi boiler grants etc..?
B & Q, Wickes? Bear in mind it will have to be installed by a CORGI registered heating installer so their advice would be best (get several out to quote).
How is hydrochloric acid and sulfuric acid the same?
The Sulphuric and Hydrochloric acids are stronger because they disociate their Hydrogen ions more efficiently, meaning that they are 'stronger' acids and dissolve materials faster than the ethanoic acid.
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Can I get out Of the Navy Delayed Entry Program?
Ok... a few months ago I enlisted in the NAVY DEP....... now, when I did this, know I had a 100% mind to fulfill my contract..... but now things have really picked up for me. I started a recording studio and have received revenues I never thought possible, and I really don't want to take a break on my education in college, I'm almost done and would like to continue my momentum of finishing. so my question is, all the excuses and plans to get out are somewhat old... is there any new laws that would hurt my chances? If I do not show up to my ship date will i be considered a felon and never be able to teach?
Is it possible to have a strong bfp then a few days later the lines become lighter?
I'm 6 weeks and had nausea for the past few weeks. My nausea went away today but now I have been experiencing cramps but no bleeding. I have a yeast infection too. Does this mean I'm loosing the baby?
What does this mean [spanish]?
what does this mean? �hola amigo, im clase espa�ola que toma ahora! �no es eso fresco? tambi�n malo usted aren' t que toma a espa�oles. podr�amos tener un convorsation. im apenas usando un traductor porque no s� mucho espa�ol todav�a. v�ale en m�s adelante. my friend just typed it to me. i cant ask her because i dont know where she lives, i dont know her number, and i cant email her or talk to her on chat or aim. im thinking that she used a translator because she just started learining spanish. so what does it mean?
93 prelude crank no start im lost help?
Is it a manual? If so have you checked the clutch relay? If it's not a manual, check to see if your fuses are still good. That was the problem in my 92 acura Integra.
Where can I buy Japanese design shoes?
I'm into the style that Japanese musicians wear with the suit and hair and all that. I've got the hair and the suit down but I can't find any shoes. Bands that I'm talking about are like "the GazettE" and "Sadie" for example. It's easy to see the general idea in Sadie's Silent Eve music video.
How to remove the gas from the tank of a non-running 1994 Chevy Astro van?
I'm 99.9 % sure that the fuel pump is shot. Unfortunately, the pump is INSIDE the fuel tank, so the tank must be removed first. My problem: the tank is over half full, and I can't run the engine to use up the gas. Tried siphoning today, but the filler neck seems to be siphon-proof. Any SAFE ways to remove the gas? If possible, I'd like to be able to collect the gas and use it, instead of watching about 35 bucks go bye-bye.
Calculate the number of particles in an isotope of Gold-190 Electron: Neutron: Proton:?
Gold is Au in the periodic table. The table shows proton numbers, the typical m in a sample, and the transition category it is naturally found in, such as metal. An isotope is an element with a different number of neutrons, but always the same protons. Naturally occurring gold comes in Au-197. Because of this restriction, we know Au-190 has 79 protons and 121 neutrons. Unless the metal is ionized (loss or gain of electrons), the material will be electrically neutral. This means it must contain the exact number of protons (positive charge) as electrons. So, Electrons = 79.
Does he like me yes/no?
Their this guy at school who is a senior and I am a sopre. I started liking him since my freshman year. But we never talked to each other. I found out that he was one of my friends brother. That whole year we kept bumping into each other. One day we almost knocked each other down. My friend kept saying we where meant for each other. Then this year we ended up in the same weird. But this year is so much different then before. We see each other every day. In the beginning of the year I wrote him a note, just to see if he would write back, but he never did. Then one day he bumped into and didn't even say sorry. But he's always looking at me during homeroom and during ping time. But this whole year he has never said a single word to me. What do you think?
AP World History: Gandhi's satyagraha tactics?
C. influenced later nonviolent civil rights movements in Poland, the U.S., China, Burma, and the Philippines
Why do christian protestants or evangelicals are obligated to listen only their christian music?
I am not protestant but many evangelical friends hear only a music that is called for them christian music and many of their singers are evangelical or pentecostals I think so
I want to make stir fry, your help please?
I've tried doing them frozen before and it didn't turn out so well. Next time I would thaw them out first - just because the larger veggies, like the brocoli, don't thaw as fast so everything else will be done but parts of the broccoli still frozen.
Does my son have any serious issue under all of this problem?
you son just sounds like he is living his live with all of the dangerous stuff but with the affectations with blood, that's different....
I cant handle this... please help! desperate!?
umm...sorry but you're just bitter and jealous. move on with your life because he obviously has.and it does not matter what he told her..she's not the desperate one you are
Does anyone know the youtube video where?
A guy at a game is lip syncing ''Living on a Prayer'' by Bon Jovi. And Bon Jovi is below and the guy is on the big screen pretending he is singing it. Em, yea link? Thanks [:
How can I set Sims 2, university and nightlife up on to my external hardrive?
We've tried getting games to run from our external hard drive as well and we've just come to the conclusion that it simply cannot run correctly. Sorry, you'll have have to install it on your computer. Just put all your doents & stuff on your external drive for more space on your computer.
Tna copying wwe?
LMAO... OK, everyone copies everyone. Have you never heard of the gimmick Gilbert? Atleast Sharkboy is not making fun of Stone Cold. Sting's "light show" is nothing like the undertakers and he has been doing that for years since WCW. I give you the Cyber Sunday... but like I said... so what? You dont see that WWE also copies from other promotions? WWE didnt make up a lastman standing match, first blood or I quit matches. You think Kane was the frist wrestler to ever be unmasked? R U serious? Sorry buddy but Kane was not the first unmasked wrestler. I can give you many examples but the most receant one that happen before Kane is Rey Misterio is WCW. Eric Yound is not a "slow person" such as Eugene... and again... Hurricane was not the first superhero.... You are crazy, misinformed or just too young and uneducated about wrestling history.
How much would i get if i sold these games at game stop?
I'm gonna sell condemned criminal origins,Final Fantasy VII dirge of Cerberus, Resident Evil Code Veronica,and Naruto clash of the ninja 2? please don't just guess it would be cool if you call and ask
Would switching to goofy stance help my ollie?
Dude just try it both ways and see which way is more comfortable that's how I got started keep practicing them and maybe in two weeks or so you be able to ollie maybe even less well thats how long it took me and now a year later im doing hardflips and fakie frontside flips and stuff anyways just see which way you feel more comfortable and keep on practicing them.
Is this an ok 8th grade graduation dress?
How do I know if he likes me too?
just go up to him and start a conversation, find out what he likes and see if you have anything in common. dont tell him you like him right now, I did it and it is working out good for me, but people are different. talk about what he likes, then you are going to know when to tell him you like him, you will feel it inside you, I promise that. I hope everything works out for the best.
Is it improper to wear my flight jacket in civilian clothes?
I am in the USAF Auxiliary, and am wondering if it is wrong to wear my flight jacket in civilian clothes.
How can I adopt a baby sloth?
You can't because you still live with your parents and any respectable organization will laugh you out of their offices. Seriously do you think wildlife preservation organizations just hand out sloths to any kid that walks in and asks for one?
Im pregnant finally, .....................?
WOW YEAAAAAAAAAA Im excited for you, I got my postive this month too, but ended up misccarring, I really thought this was gonna be a good pregnancy. Good luck and hope you have a healthy pregnancy.I m so happy for you
American idol winner?
I think it's SO funny that all of you people claim that Adam "screams." Don't most extrememly talented/popular rock bands/artists (for example, Aerosmith, Kiss, Led Zeppelin, and MANY others) all make the same sound when they sing? It's called HITTING HIGH NOTES. And it sounds amazing, so stop complaining. I'm sure you don't make comments about the 'screaming' when other bands do it, so stop commenting about it with Adam. I'm sure that's the only negative thing you have to say about him, seeing that he is way beyond Kris and will absolutely go farther than Kris ever will. As if you couldn't already tell, my vote will go to the most talented singer, and that is Adam!
Which snowboard mittens are the best?
I use Deerskin Choppers. I use them on the tow ropes up here. They don't disintegrate when you grab the speed rope. If your doing chairlifts though you could do a thick goretex glove. I would do some kind of goretex chopper because you dont need that much hand dexterity when snowboarding. (atleast I dont)
Friday, August 12, 2011
Crocodile Man?
Have watched Sky News all about Ian [Soham murderer] Huntley and failed suicide bid; Tony [no mention of the �3,000,000 mortgage of last year] Blair and shall I come or shall I go; Steve (Crikey!) Irwin . . . so which one is supposed to be the Crocodile Man? or did i miss something???????????
What hairdye should i use?
Personally I believe that u r ruining ur hair by using the hair dye that u get in a packet from the supermarket or chemist or where ever.
A question about owning an LLC and purchasing a DBA business?
I own an LLC and another small business that I operate as a sole proprietor. If my LLC bought my DBA business, how much would I legally have to purchase it for?
Why the heck is McCain going to appear on SNL ?
Seriously, if there's only a few days til election why is this moron going on SNL? Like that's really help.
How Should I Start Dog Walking ?
Im Thinking About Starting A Dog Walkin Buisiness For Over The Summer With A Friend The Prices That I Thought About Were �2.50 Per Half An Hour Is This Ok And What Else Should I Consider ?
Mothers of multiples and preemies, who was your main support?
my son was born a preemie he spent 2 months in nicu then when he was 1 he was hospitalized from rsv. my main support has always been my mom she has always been there by my side. if it was not for her i don't know what i would have done. oh yea in the nicu there was a really wonderful nurse that helped me she was the best. i felt alone some times i still do but i know my mom was right there feeling the same way i did she would always think what could have i done to help so my daughter did not have giving birth early well there was nothing she could have changed. so she was by my side feeling the same as i was•
Why are some religions catered for and others belittled in the UK?
I'm an atheist, so I'll leave the religious " in fighting" to the deluded, good luck with it I hope your god wins but don't worry if they don't there are plenty to choose from!
Buffalo meat?
I bought some of this a few weeks ago and I know it can be used in the same way as beef, but wondered if there was anything super special I could do as it was such an expensive piece of meat (stewing steak). I cannot use alcohol (I am on the waggon) and sugar, diabetic. Any ideas gratefully received.
My dog wont eat her dog food .... Help?
Well this happens to my dog a lot. You just have to find one brand that she likes.... Thats why I give my dog Table scraps... So good luck!!
People with fantasy football exp. what do you think about this? ?
You have a very solid lineup. I do not encourage picking up eddie royal for berrian, he is still a rookie and the Denver number one wide receiver, brandon marshall will come back from suspension/ I would advise dropping a quarterback or two. You definitely do need 4 quarterbacks. try to get a trade or drop them, and pick up some wide receivers. You should drop one of ur qbs for royal, not berrian
Pls rate my rap?!?! and tell me what u think?
Well the lyrics are real solid and nice but it really depends on how you sing/rap them that really depicts on whether there good or not.
What is the song martha wainwright wrote while on her expedition to disco bay in the arctic?
all i can remember is something about "hold on" being the only words or a few of the words in the chorus
Need help finding a Summer 2004 Hip Hop song?
This song came out around the summer of 2004 - it's a rap/ hip hop/ dance song, and the guy is singing in a hushed or whispering voice. I can't remember any lyrics. Also, this is NOT the Whisper Song by the Ying Yang Twins. It almost reminds me of the base beat from "Hypnotized." Please help, I must remember this song!!!
How does flourinated water help teeth?
Does it help because you ingest the flouride or is it that the flouride comes into direct contact with teeth when you drink the water? I am asking because about a year ago I switched from tap water to almost exclusively bottled spring water and my teeth have started to stain. I have a hunch that it is because bottled spring water is not flourinated (to my knowledge). I brush my teeth everyday and dont drink coffee and have never had this problem before. I have also heard that distilled water can leech minerals from your body if you drink it too much? It seems to me that spring water wouldn't do this since its not distilled and I would imagine has more minerals in it than tap water...
What is the government going to do about the millions of flying carp taking over the Mississippi?
Catch all we can to turn to cat food. They're not any good for anything else and you're right. I've been on the Mississippi many times and this problem is becoming worse. Someone will eventually get seriously hurt by one of these flying monsters and it's unfortunate to say, but if there is a life taken from this overpopulation of large flying fish, then maybe the government will take it more serious (or maybe not.)
Private security contractor jobs?
when not deployed on an international mission what do members of a private security force do in the united states such as companys like dyncorp or g4s and how often are they apployed and due they do other security missions outside of war zones like in 3rd world county or i heard abotu them taking over security at us military bases and embies
What is the location of the Ark of the Covenant?
Personally, I think its in this small town in ethiopia in a little church. there is a guardian/holyman there who I think got ped down the job from generations of his family. NO ONE is allowed inside and there has been a guard there forever..something about king soloman smuggling it out of jerusalem back in the day.
What exactly is an evangelical and how do they differ from other Christians?
They are more into the preaching or 'evangelising'. Generally, they are the most charismatic/vocal of the Christians and often use their experiences to preach. Usually, these are the main people who try convert others by sharing their beliefs. Mostly, they preach with a focus on the birth and resurrection of Jesus and salvation through him.
Im Australian. Mention it to a Brit or an American and they say PRISON COLONY!?
Actually its a good thing since Australian history is soooooo freakin boring that being known as a bunch of convicts is cool. Better that than comparing the average Australian to Steve Irwin! IVE NEVER HEARD ANYONE USE THE WORD CRICKEY IN MY LIFE! So you wanna come to Australia and hang out with us filthy rotten criminals?
Anybody know the name of the electronica song in "Yes Man" playing IN THE CAR at beginning of Red Bull Scene?
When I first heard this beat I was hypnotised by it, but alas I can't find credits for it anywhere. It's playing in the car as Jim Carrey steps out of the vehicle and Red Bull cans fall out all over the pavement. Please help!
Name of a horror movie from the 80s?
I remember seeing this as a kid and never knew the name of it forgive me if my explanation is vague. anyways what I can remember from the film are there are these people that end up going to this house and they end up dying one gets her lips sown shut and then placed in a fireplace upside down on a chair and then her husband or boyfriend lights the fire and since she can't yell she burns alive. I believe the one doing the killing is a woman. if anyone has any guesses what this movie might be I would be grateful thanks in advance :)
Can you help me with this simple physics problem, please?
A man swims across the river with a velocity of 2 m/s relative to the flow of water. If the river flows steadily at 4 m/s toward south, what is the velocity of the man with respect to the shore? Solve for both the magnitude and the direction (in degrees).
I like this girl 300 miles away :( i need some serious help?
Hello, I see you need some advice in maintaining a good relationship with your significate other. My sister was crying everyday over a man she was dating and told me about The Majic of Make up and how it saved her relationship and made her into a happier person.
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Is my finger fractured?
i was skateboarding very fast and i did an ollie and fell on the middle of the street. my middle, ring, and pinky fingers bent all the way backwards when i was trying to give myself a soft landing. i didnt feel anything at first and when i got home, the pain kept getting worse and worse. and now my pinky is pretty swolen and the other two arent as bad. i can barely move them and when i do pain shoots down to my knucles. and i cant put my hand in a fist nor can i bend my fingers backwards (which i can easily do with my other hand) when i put pressure on it (to type) it hurts. are they fractured?
Would u out of desperation wear someone elses face?
i mean would u cit the skin if its soft and gentle like and sew it on to ur own face if u had warts and stuff like that
Is it true, that some US and/or British Prisoners of WW II liberated from Red Army never returned home?
Recently ago I got information, that US and British prisoners of ww II captured in Germany and then at first liberated from the Red Army, but not decapitated and transported to USSR Gulags and never returned home. Is that true? What was done respectively not done by their governments to bring them free? Is it possible, that some of them still live in Russia? Any information about their doom available?
Do you think I'll get into college?
Kid don't let that stress you will definitely get into a good college. Don't even trip about it kid you will get into one of the top 25 universities.
How to deter graffiti vandals?
My neighboor has a brick wall surrounding his house and every other weekend he has to paint over it because, people are alwasy spray painting graffiti on it. How can he keep these people off his property?
Have you travelled Syria, lebanon and Jordan? nice places? Men and Women are OK in these countries?
You'r gonna love it. lebanon is nice anywhere but also syria and jordan have nice places for tourism.
Can someone out there give me a list of low fructose foods?
It is becoming more obvious that I am suffering from dietary fructose intolerance – along with glucose intolerance. After eating fruits or preserves or sweetening with honey, I endure very painful, sleepless nights. Sorbitol is downright brutal. I've combed the internet for suggested foods low in fructose (vegetables and fruits, if any). I have found next to nothing. HELP!
Where can i get the shoes Puma's?
i've always wanted Puma's but never got them! where is the best place to get them + the cheapest!!!!!
No jealousy=no love....?
so i went to this b'day party of my guy friend. it was only a friend's night so hubster couldnt come. i've known him twice the number of yrs i've known my husband. this guy friend of mine dragged me to the dance floor and we danced a bit..basically most of the time we were all dancing unmarried girlfriends think that's really improper of me to dance w/ another guy. he's a really good friend- nothing else or i would have married him but i love my man. well, my husband doesnt mind. his thing is as long as we trust each other nothing matters. my girlfriends think that's ridiculous and no guy would like his wife dancing with some other dude even if its just a friend. does that mean my husband doesnt love me enough or he trusts me with his life?
This morning when I woke up I realised that my finances have hit the buffers?
You know the right answer to that. If you really can't afford something you don't absolutely need, don't buy it. Don't buy the expensive option if there is a cheaper one. Think before every purchase.
Do you like Gandhi?If yes then why?If no then also why?
I mean to say that there are many rumors about the life of Mahatma Gandhi and what he did in his life.....The most common example is regarding the partition of India....and many many more....i am a fan of Mahatma Gandhi.....Please ign reason....if Yes why?If No why?
Should I stop selling candy to my family and people at school?
I am selling candy for my school to help raise money for my Senior year in high school. I am a junior right now. Our school is more broke than a hobo. My reason for not really wanting to sell is this: my Dad already is trying to lose weight which clearly is not working and here I come waltzing in with a Ginormous bag of candy. My mom buys like 2. She,too is trying to lose wieght. My dad bought 2. And my brother brought 4. And the thing is, it's not like these are tiny pieces of candy. They are big bags of skittles and hersheys cookies n cream chocolate, m&m's. Twix and other stuff. Also, the students in my school. God knows i'm not helping them either. Should I stop even though it's for a good cause?
Cricket ?Big game tomorrow Who do you think going to win ?
yeah AUs has the best bating order about there are balling...sri lanka has the the best balling but not much bating....? any idea who;s going to win,..
Faded White Spots on Computer Screen?
Recently I've noticed white spots on my laptop screen. They're not solid white but defiantly washed out. At first it was in one spot that ended up growing and I thought it might be dying pixels but the original spot has since gone away (then reappeared then gone away again) and new washed out areas have shown up. They change every time I turn the laptop on. Any ideas on what it could be and what to do about it? The laptop is only two years old so I don't think I should be having issues out of it yet.
Baby constantly sucking and gnawing on hand?
My 10 week old has been constantly sucking and gnawing on her hands for the past three days. She's not hungry and won't take a pacifier, so i was wondering what might be the issue. I asked a nurse and she said she'd just discovered her hands, but she also drools. I dont know. The nurse said it was too early for teething, but it sure sounds like it to me. What do you guys think?
Can you tell me what happened to the WWII Germans POW during their captivity by the allies?
German POW's held by the US and UK were treated far better than our guys were. Many were paroled to work on local farms and industry around the various camps in the US. They were treated well and fed good. At the end of the war they were repatriated to europe but they were not free to just disapear. Most had to ist in rebuilding europe from damage caused by german aggression. POW's held by the Soviet Union did not have a very good time, Most were never heard from again, keep in mind that most soviet pow's taken by the germans were never heard from again as well. My grandfather was a combat medic in the 134th infantry regiment and was captured during operation market garden. He was placed in Stalag IIIC in east prussia where tens of thousands of soviet pow's were starved to death by the germans. My grandfather, a us army sgt was murdered in this stalag by a german guard.
Why is there a formula difference between Marginal Product vs. Marginal Utility?
Simple. They measure different things. Marginal utility usually diminishes whereas marginal product can increase, stay the same or diminish.
Wisdom Teeth...................?
ok so, i think my wisdom teeth are coming in b/c the gums in the back of my mouth rt behind my molars are aching. it just one side though. it has swelled up and the pain has been steadily increasing all day. i took some motrin to help take the pain away but that didnt do anything. is this my wisdom teeth comin in and is there anyway i can make the pain stop for a little while?
What should i do i have a big problem w/ a friend!?!?!?!?!?!?
We never hang out anymore since she got a bf. like today is sunday nad friday there was a home game and we are in jrotc so after every home game on saterday in the morning we have football feild clean up and she didnt have a ride to clean up so i was like we should go to the game and you can stay the night and we can go to clean up in the morning and she couldnt because her bf was coming over and i was like he should go to the game to but she was like na were just gunna hang out at home but thats not the point i ask her to do stuff w/ me every weekend and she cant cuz shes w/ her bf and it got to the point were i wouldnt ask her anymore id just ask my other friends well one day she asked me what i was doing this weekend and i said going to the movies and mall w/ courtney and she got mad cuz i didnt ask her like it matterd she was going to her bfs annyway but she is my best friend and ive known her since i was 3 years old and the only time we talk is when her bf is hanging out w/ his friends and donst have time w/ her but the only time she calls me is when her and him fight or there is a problem between them and im not the 1-800-let me tell you about my problems w/ my bf thts the only reason i call you hotline im sorry but get a new # what should i do i dnt just want to drop her she is my best friend and ive known her forever but ever since a year ago we havent even barely tlked. What should i do i need hlp!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
Foreclosures -- What the Government should do?
And why are the people that borrowed more than they could afford not be held responsible? Everyone was happy enough to sign on the dotted line when they thought their house was going to double in value in 5 years. you gambled. Not everyone who gambles wins.
Do u think the party sytem need to end?
i meen u got everone split into to ur eather a facist or a commy cant i just b corey george washington was against party politics i meen its pretty much givin that the nxt president will b a looser (rep or dem) so maybe this will be a earmark for a change "finaly" maybe we could have a tru democracy or atleast put an end to two party politics i for one am voting wig just to piss everone off
I like this guy(ALOT!!)but im not sure if he likes me!!what should i do?!?!?!?!?
this guy is in all my cles! (we're in middle skool) when ever im around him i get erflies i my stomach!! i just cant stop thinking about the guy and im really not sure if he likes me! hes a little nicer 2 me than my friends but just a little!! im worried that if tell my friends theyll tell him and find out he doesnt like me, then i can NEVER look at him the same!! HELP!!!!!!!!!!
Bottom of a Guinea Pig Cage?
Tomorrow I am going to pick up a guinea pig that I have on hold at my local SPCA. I've heard a lot of good things about using fleece instead of litter. In the cage i put down cardboard then shredded paper for cushion, then a towel, then i put down a piece of and old sheet set that i cut down. Does this sound ok?
Just got back from the game?
just been to watch bristol rovers vs leeds, i'm a big leeds fan and i am jumping with joy we are finally into plus points and off the bottom, but although we won 3-0 it was not as convincing as it sounds. rovers were all over us at times and on another day we may have lost that game 4-3. anyone else seen it. what do think of leeds chances for promotion now?
What guy is right for me a bd boy or good boy?
there are many guys in my school and alot cute which should i chose bad or good plz help as soon as possible prom soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How long to heat Clico sauce?
how long do you heat clico alfedo sauce if your cooking frozen shrimp in it? (ive already thawed them out)
Straight girls I need your help some advice! please answer this :)?
I have a friend who is totally straight girl, her personality attracts me, she's 18 but act in a cute way as 8 yrs old by the way i'm . Our friendship is unique because she always tease me or bully me, but recently she's been kind to me little by little i mean yeah there are still does teasing and bullying moment but I think she's different. Sometimes she'll touch my hand but before she never did that. I'm confused bec. of her being nice now, do you think she had a crush on me? or she just love teasing me?
Hi major question?
Hi I'm also trying to lose weight too. It sounds like your doing great in cardio!! for your arms, get two 10 pound dumbells and do tricept extentions and Lifting it up. do about 30 of them in a row with 3 sets of them. then do push ups (about 50-100[depending on how strong your arms are] in between those take a break every 25 you do!! every day add one more push up on your reps of them. ex one day I do 25 push ups in a set next day I do 26 push ups. Keep on increasing!! good luck!!
What would be a good way to tera form Mars?
Provided there Are no immediate living forms on Mars,please give me your idea on how to prepare Mars for Humans.Anything from thermonuclear mining to geothermal excavation and atmospheric channeling.
Hi! im writing my personal statement need some help!?
I want to be a primary school teacher, just wanted to rephrase this sentence .. could anyone please help? " During my spare time I have taken it upon myself to gain some experience in the clroom at a local primary " is there another way i could say this .. Please do help .. Thanks x
Hey everyone I have a question?
lets say I am a multi billionaire and I got diagnosed with cancer and had only 2 months left to live and I wanted to die honorably in battle than sick in bead so lets say I hired someone to put a 3 billion dollar bounty on my head and I had a gun fight in the street with 7 of the best ins in the western hemisphere and lets say I was also a witness in an FBI investigation and they send in 100 agents to protect me and 50 of the agents die 2 of the ins are killed 1 is captured in police custody and chewed of his finger tips to avoid identification by interpol and the others escaped and I survived would I be charged with something
How to get to bangkok from penang?
Bus and train... oh gosh.. its going to take a long time. Besides, in southern Thailand, there is some islamic militant activity. We Malaysians would not even want to cross the border by road because of this. However, with AirAsia ( you can flight directly from Penang to Bangkok.
Why is James Franco joining General Hospital?
Maybe he's just a fan of the show. It's actually one of the most popular soap operas, and it's definitely my favorite all time show. Plus, he's only going to be on the show for a few months, it's not a longtime gig. I'm hoping that his coming on the show will bring in more viewers, and get the show more popular, and soaps in general.
Can somebody please tell me where i can listen to the whole song of Plies The Countdown Outro?
try youtube or go to myspace music to plies page and you will find it or you can download it on your comp from limewire or ares goodluck and great song i love plies
Can you put these fish together?
I agree w/ most answers so far tiger barbs can do some damage,but if you're going to get them just be sure to go w/ more aggressive tank mates, the cory cats should be fine(buy them big). Although if you get sm. tigers and introduce them last you'll have better luck. I don't think the cherry barbs are a good choice 'cause they are peaceful require low light and a lot of plant cover. As far as the tetra's go you need the more aggressive one as the bleeding hearts,blood-fin tetras are hardy in groups poss. , silver dollars you may consider 1 red tailed black shark, or a clown loach or two. Red honey gouramis prefer a species tank but will go community they will only do well in a non aggressive tank,now w/these guys I think you could go w/ a large selection of tetras and any or all of the fish you mentioned in you're question MINUS THE TIGER BARBS .I hope you have success ! Jeannie
Seagate HDD beeping/chirping and not recognized by my laptop and PC?
sounds like the hd is dead. the noise you here would be the drive heads stuck and not being able to move
I want to be a fashion designer?
I really want to be a fashion designer when i grow up. What should i do to accomplish that? How do i convince my parents to let me go to Parsons New School for Design, instead of a medical school when i go to college? (still in junior high) In the mean time, what should i learn about to become a designer? Is there anything i should practice? learn about? i also have NO IDEA how to sew, knit, crochet, etc. Help!
Conservation.. conservation.. pls help me!!!!?
In the world today, many things are listed for conservation. I am wondering whether there are anything that is not conserved but needs to be conserved. Can anybody find something that is not conserved but needs to be conserved..? Thanx!!!!
How to create imagery in writing?
hello, i am in grade eight and i have to do a speech on world war 2, and well i am pretty good at writing, but imagery is kind of hard, so it would be really nice of you guys to help me.I need help creating an introduction and please guys help me.
What products are suitable to repair a loose brick in a Fireplace Box?
I have a few loose bricks inside my fireplace and was wondering if there were any products that were suitable for repairing them such as a liquid nail type product.
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
What are the Major Flaws in the Electoral College?
The most glaring flaw is that the winner of a states popular vote receives all of that states electoral votes. That is regardless of the margin of victory. What is needed in order to better represent the will of the people is proportional sharing of electoral votes. It could be done based on the vote within congressional districts-the winner getting that districts electoral vote. The winner of the entire state vote would get the two electoral votes based on senatorial representation as well as those for each district won.
Bacterial Chromosome and insertion into eukaryotic cells?
If a bacterial chromosome were inserted into a eukaryotic cell, would it be stable? Would it segregate like eukaryotic chromosomes during mitosis and meiosis? Why or why not? please explain in detail
Why do conservatives feel only the privilaged wealthy deserve to have health care?
Conservatives feel as if they are the "elect" and the only ones worthy of money, power, health care, nice neighborhoods, and good schools. Doesn't everyone know and understand this?
How Do I play Black Jack?
Im going to Vegas this September, and I really want to know how to play Blackjack. Im really good at playing cards... just havent in a long while. Im god at playing Rummy and stuff like that... I just have no idea what Black Jack is, can someone give me an idea to teach me? Thanks!
21 with missed period for over a year?
I just want to know if anyone is going through the same thing as me. I'm 21 years old and I haven't gotten my period for 14 months. I was taking birth control for 7 years. I stopped taking birth control after my 3rd missed period because I was sure I was pregnant. Even though the "at-home pregnancy tests" were negative. I went to the doctor's and I am not pregnant. There is also nothing else wrong with me. They've done all kinds of thyroid tests, blood work, and pap smears. I am almost certain that I went through menopause. I have all the symptoms. I'm extremely moody, I have hot flashes out the wa-zoo, I had skin changes, I'm exhausted all the time, and I also had a drop in labido. :( Is there anyone out there experiencing the same thing as me??
Did my album deserved to ranked low?
Well, Muse is my favorite band so I would rank them 20 but this is based on personal opinion so it's not always going to be what you expect or what you want.
Will conservatives demand apologies from these media figures?
Not likely. That would require honesty and integrity, which are apparently not among "family values."
Which microscope to buy?
The magnification level is not the only factor. You need excellent optics in order to get good resolution at 1000X, If not, you will see close up but you will see nothing but blurs. You are better off staying at 100-400X, as decent 10X-40X objectives are much more economical than the 100X objectives you are considering.
Question for boys and girls, Who do you think is the "Hottest" WWE Wrestler and Diva?
Definitely the Bella Twins, Brie and Nikki and they also can put on an exciting and entertaining match !
South African "excuse notes" to Teacher?
Good one Alf, I thought it was very funny....ignore Michael Jackson, he not only has a identity crisis, but also a sense of humor crisis...
Inspirational historical figure for sopre project?
For a sopre project I have to do a report on any famous person since 1400 who has had an impact on the world. They cannot be born in the United States. Nobody in our grade can do the same person and i am 198th to submit my list to the teacher. I must compile a list of 25 people, one of which hopefully will not be taken and I can use for my report. I really would like to choose somebody from the past rather than any recent period of history (for some reason the renaissance and such times appeal to me) . I want some one inspirational, who left a positive impact on the world. I love the arts, writing, romanticism, nature, and positive-thinking philosophers. I want to find somebody who I would enjoy spending 3 months researching and presenting to the cl. I am sure that people like Leondardo da Vinci and Shakespeare (who are 2 of my most favorite historical figures) will be taken by somebody who gets to choose their person before me, so I would like original ideas. If anybody can help me with websites or just a list of names that would be amazing. Thank you!! 2 days ago - 2 days left to answer.
Why my 3 month old has blood in his stool?
my 3 month old has been diagnosed with rsv since new years eve. I have been giving him breathing treatments along with antibiotics since then. Yesterday he was not feeling his best at all. He seemed as if he was having difficulties breathing because he was so stopped up. I took him to the emergency room so they could check his oxygen and they said it was at 100% which is good. this morning when i changed his pamper he had blood in this stool. he wasn't constipated, his bowel movement was very loose with a lot of blood in it. I immediately called his dr and brought him in. he told me my child was fine. the blood in the stool was coming from his antibiotics. his antibiotics are white. my child has not had anything that has red in it. he barley wants his milk because he cant breathe out his nose. he is very congested in his chest area. if he has been doing his breathing treatments 4x a day for a week now, shouldn't he be improving by now? and where would the blood be coming from? I have heard so many complaints about this dr that he is not good and will send your child home regardless of there situation. what should I do????
Why Australia hasn't been ab;e to win big matches/series after the 2007 50-520 world cup?
Australia are just letting other teams get a few wins under their belt. For the last 15 years, other teams have had no joy. So, its a brief let off window before Australia kicks into high gear again.
Eagles chances of getting to the superbowl are high..anyone agree?
The eagles have struggled the past few weeks but they seem to only get better as the weather gets colder. I think they have all the peices to win a superbowl this year...question is, can they put together the puzzle??
Sl.utty women............?
what we want is completely contradicting, we demand the same rights and respect as men yet we will go around and set a double standard (for example: still believing a guy should buy you everything, take you out, and support you through life)
Another Hayne Question, why to people hate him when he celebrates tries, yet....?
Sandow (points and lughs at the person chasing him and hits the bunny on his jersey to the crowd), Soward ( follows his fingers along the red V and screams like an oompa) Ennis (Screams woooooo and pushes people after he scores), Jennings (pegs the ball at the opposition crowd after every try) Pettybourne and Vatuvei (Both make gun signs and point to cameras and blow kisses) they are just a few, but when hyane does it, he is up himself, i love post try celebrations, so surely if you have a problem with 1, you hate them all, right?
Mahatma Gandhi Said “ After independent the future of this country will depend on how country govern by the p?
In fact Gandhiji was politically dumped by the big wigs of congress soon after independence. Many did not consider his policies practical and in keeping with the modern world. That could be a genuine difference of opinion. What went wrong was jettisoning, by our leaders, his philosophy to live simply and first consider how the last men in the poverty ladder will get affected by their policies. The moral crisis we see in the political leadership is the result of showing open contempt to this last advise by Gandhiji to our leaders.
Would it be cool.....?
Me and my friend are making a derby. If it is done by the 4th of July, wouldn't it be cool to mount an american flag along with fireworks on it?
(help!) scarlet and the spark of life?
I just got this game on my iPod and it's really cute.. But im stuck! Does anyone know the lucky charm the sister (jade ?) wants in exchange for the horseshoes? And where to find it? Please help Ive been stuck for FOREVER!
Steve Price says hes officially played his last ever origin match, will be farewelled in QLD in game 2 sad hey?
speaking on NRL on fox he said there is no chance of him playing origin again this year and will say farewell to the QLD'ers at game 2, what a champion player and bloke he has been for the Dogs, Warriors and the mighty maroons
Had gestational diabetes, is this a normal sugar level?
I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes at 32 weeks pregnant. I controlled my glucose levels really well, according to my doctor, and very rarely got a number that was over 135, what I was told was the cut off point, and usually closer to 100 an hour after meals. My levels were controlled through diet and exercise exclusively. My baby has now been born, as of last Sunday. I tested my glucose levels tonight after eating dinner at 1 hour and 2 hours after dinner. My results were 120 at one hour and 87 at 2 hours. From what I can find on Dr Google, this should be considered normal readings, right? I was told that I could return to a normal diet after my little one was born, but they strongly recommended sticking to the dietary guidelines I was taught as part of my gestational diabetes management plan.
Does anyone know where I can watch the movie Adam online for free?
download bit torrent then go to isohunt dot com and search for your movie and then click on download torrent. its illegal but you know that right
People keep adding me on Yahoo...?
Every morning when I log into Yahoo, I have 1-5 random people trying to add me...Today, one was "" (Taiwan?), and one was "" (Italy?)...One was even "" and had a lot of curly writing next to it (uming that's a personal message, and in Persian or something. Persian is the only curly writing I've every seen though)...I'm getting kindof worried here...What should I do/Am I safe?
How do African Americans feel now that the gays have shown thier true racist colors?
- Not surprising but this may be a surprise or a wake-up call to black gays; I read some black gays got beat up too smh
Anyone ever have to replace the rear end in a astro van 2001?
Rear end went out in my friends astro van its a 2001. want to know if anyone has worked on them before?
Chemistry question help !?
In the following equation, 243.5 grams of SB react completely with 1000 grams of I2 (iodine) to form 1004.9 grams of SBI2. how many grams of i2 were consumed in this reaction? 2 SB + 3 I2 = 2 SBI3
HELP! Oxygen isotope ratio in snow decreases as temp decreases?
It doesn't change at all. The oxygen isotope ratio remains same irrespective of any temperature change
9 mon old congested & not taking bottle?
This may sound strange, but buy Vicks Vapor rub, and put it on her feet. Then put socks on her feet. Do this about 2 times a day. I don't know why, but it works!
Do you think jbl will return?
also can you answer this? a href=";_ylt=Auord2BytKuaYJmBUnTqJMnty6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20090928133007AAOgMH2";…/a -trying to get 100 answers
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Do everyday mishaps inspire you?
I wish I could say I don't identify with this... a fun poem about something that's definitely not fun.
Why does everyone think Jennifer Lopez has a bad voice?
Jennifer can sing good but not great. I think it's her rumored "Diva" personality that turns people off.
Is this social anxiety?
whenever i'm at a social's like there's this wall...sometimes at parties and stuff i can be "on" for like 15 minutes at the start...but then i fizzle out like instantly...and it's like i can't look at anyone in the face, laugh or smile. It's really weird and VERY uncomfortable. And usually when i leave the social function, i get in my car and i feel if i was trapped during the party. Is this social anxiety? Should i get medication?
Haircut/hairstyle suggestion?
Was just wondering what some other people thought I might be able to pull off when it comes to haircuts. Ive heard from frieds everything from "Like Bradd Pitt's" too "Maybe like Zack Efron?" I dont care wether i need to grow it out long or cut it short just want some opinions! =p feel free to go into details
I recently locked myself out of my house in a towel & had my friend Jess come to help, why did she say this?
She was trying to be funny and failing. She should have understood this, but you should try and explain to her why you are upset.
How to send a parcel to South Africa from the UK?
I would like to send a parcel from the UK to South Africa but have no idea what I have to do in order to do this. The parcel is about 1kg in weight, 24cm long, 16cm wide and 6.5cm tall. The person who I am sending the parcel to, says that he has two addresses for the same house, but I should use his PO BOX one if I want to send a parcel. The address I have been given is PO BOX 60912 Pierre van Ryneveld 0045. I would like to know if this is the address I should use to send a parcel, what the format of the address should be, what stamps I would have to use in order to send it quickly and roughly how much it would cost to send it. Any help at all would be great and I am obviously clueless. Thanks!
Cleaning and caring for my catchers mitt?
What i do is first, i wipe the entire glove with a wet cloth. After I'm done doing that, I apply Franklin Baseball glove condition oil. The glove is already broken in. I just want to know if im doing it right and if anyone has any tip feel free to share. Thanks
What Do You Think of Iraqi People Speciallyy And Arabs Publicly ?
Their religion controls them too much. A free country has freedom of religion. Most Arabs are not really free to choose their religion, but are practically forced to be muslims. Therefore, they aren't free, but are practically slaves to their religion.
Where do u fit in?
Though some might think it unfortunate: I"M A NERD ALL THE WAY! I am the girl everyone in cl comes to for "homework help" and I usually have the right answers. So yeah, I would go along with the academics, though I think you can't really categorize people so much. Half the people that come to me for answers don't really believe that I am anything more than a walking human encyclopedia. I'm smart? Yes. I devote a lot of my time to school? Definitely. But I have a life and emotions outside of that. There is always more than meets the eye, and that's a lesson that we all need to learn.
OutFiT HELP!!?
ok tonight i have a bball banquet but i dont want to wear a skirt or a dress because that just way too much.. can u give me any good ideas please .. and hair ideas ..HAIR TYPE: straight medium blonde hair.. 10 point to the best idea
Last time: HIGH SCHOOL private/public !?
Just by reading your question, it seems like what you want to do is go to public school...but maybe other people are trying to convince you to go to private school. If you go to public school and get good grades then you will definitely be able to get into the college of your choice; you don't need private school to get ahead in life. My vote - public school.
What is a MLA source of citation?
i am doing a summer reading project worksheet, and it says i have to have a MLa citation of source for a quote. what is that?
Is this a good poem, does it make sense, please make corrections/give feedback?
This is more prose than poetry. You have no meter or rhyme. It's a narrative something, but just writing straightforward prose and then putting in hard returns isn't really poetry. The only poetic devices you have is imagery, which is what prose uses all the time.
Cant SEE avi file in windows media player?
Go here and get the lates Gordian Knot codec pack - this should do the trick and update your Xvid codec.
Dinosaurs and human footprints in the same creek bed? Can someone tell me where to find out about this?
It's garbage. It's a claim that was thoroughly discredited 20 years ago. However some creationist web sites still cite it as "evidence" of a young earth.
Why is my neon tetra pale?
I have 6 jumbo neon tetras...but one is pretty pale. He's more clear or opaque towards his mouth and instead of red on his tail its more pink
Who the hell is Judas Rabbi???
I'm sorry if this offends any of Judas Rabbi's loyal fans and servants out there in the Y/A world, but what is it about this guy that has everyone acting like he's Jesus? He may have good answers and what not, but other people do too, and I'm not hating, I'm just curious as to what all the fuss is about. Apparently, he's a guy, he's nice, he gives alot of one word answers, in fact he's even a friend of mine, but I don't have this "Judas Rabbi is holier than though" attitude. Everyone who stops to take the time to answer anything to help someone is someone to me, point blank period. He's just a guy, that's it. You'd swear he was Jesus himself by the way people worship him. WTF? Get over it. Does he have a 12 inch d**k? Is he using it to stroke every female on Y/A down? Is he paying everyone on Y/A rent? I want to know what all the fuss is about quite frankly? Somebody say something to make me feel the way you do about him please. Good luck!
Hello! I am going to hotwire my Lincoln cont 1970 car.Battrey to coil.?
I was told that I had to put a reistor between the battrey and the coil so I will not burn out my coil.It is now 12 volts what is the reistor that I need to bring it down to?How many voits do I bring it down to?The last Question is,are you having a good day?Thank you
Is this a good gaming computer?
That isn't bad. A nice quad core, 4GB of RAM, and a fairly decent video card, you should be able to play the new games at respectable settings.
Quest to find the best current WWE Superstar- The Results?
Hi, I'm Dolph Ziggler. Woo hoo! For being such an awesome superstar, I'm already at #32, and I haven't even been here for a year!
In Power Rangers, there was a character, he wore full black body armour, horns, a black cape,continues...?
and an octagon on his chest which i beleive was the only way he could be harmed, he was evil, but then turned good and i beleive died. i cannot remember his name or the season in which it happened. i had to rephrase my last question due to some misleading information.
Monday, August 8, 2011
If you could turn the Dracula characters into animals (an animated version) what would each character be?
I think it would be more appealing to the public if the animals were just different breeds of canines instead of different animals. I will agree with the wolf and hyena for the Count and Renfield respectively.
Which shoe should I buy?
balck nd pink...bc of wat u said..they wont get dirsty easily nd they dont look bulky at all to me..
How do I tell my friend how I really feel?
Just tell him how you really feel, sit him down and tell him, be frank but dont be cut throught, im sure he will understand, by the way we should hang out, if youre avatar is an insight into what you enjoy doing in your free time then we are soul mates dear maden, my choice is tremadol, look it up dear maden......
Am I bilingual or not?
If you could speak 2 languages, yes. Rest ured, your command of English language, whether proficient or not, combined with the knowledge of language of the country where you or your ancestors came from would make you bilingual.
When is it time to change the oil filter on my home oil furnace?
I have an old Valiant oil furnace with a Sid Harvey XF-25 canister and wool filter. I bought the house in Nov. 2006 and there was little information about the furnace. I'm going to change it now, but is there a definite time between changes?
What's the correct order of the formation of igneous rock?
honestly i dont remember i learned earth science when i was like 10 or 12 or w/e but i think volcanic eruptions happen 1st
How do I know if I have diabeties without getting tested?
I dont want to get tested for no reason and was wondering if there were any symptoms that could help me tell. It i'snt hereditary and im not over weight, more under weight; I'm 5'4 and 104 pounds. Can eating few vegetables and fruits cause this?
Where is the door switch located on my 99 Plymouth voyager and how can I fix it?
Look at the door frame area on body where the latch closes. You should see what looks like a little black on, that is the door ajar switch. It is held in by a screw or pushes in
How does Muse get that sound?
I don't know how to explain it but it's like an electronic feel. Keyboards maybe. Lots of other groups use it but I'm just using Muse as an example. I'd love to know how to do it and what equipment I would need to buy to make it. It's like a spacey effect. Electronic artists use similar effects. So does U2, Radiohead, etc. Maybe you could point me in the right direction...
Is olfactory imagery a language device?
It sounds more like the fictional - and perhaps dubiously desirable - smellyvision (or maybe you spell it smelevision).
The Cutting Edge?
Has anyone ever had thier hair cut in The Cutting Edge in Kuwait? If so, who was you stylists and did they do a good job?
Help! I think theres an animal in my fireplace?
I have an old wood stove in the house that's not in use until it gets colder out. I was home today and noticed scratching and running sounds coming from the room where my stove is. I'm afraid to open wood stove door and have some kind of animal jump out at my face. What ways can I get this creature back outdoors? I don't want to kill it, I just want it outside.
Are you frightened that Hilary Clinton is going to be dealing with foreign affairs?
As was said before, the Clinton's are extremely respected in the international community. On top of that she has an advantage from having been the first lady. She knows who she's dealing with. She's been on the international stage since the mid 90's, certainly longer than crazy Rice. Obama has brought unity to the American government. Lib or Con, Dem or Republican, as long as you're good at what you do, he'll have you. The world needs more of that mentality. Stop asking stupid questions to divide people. I thought this was the UNITED States.
Dog ingested Neosporin?
A third of a tube of neosporin won't do much to a 70 lb dog. Neosporin is just an antibacterial substance. I don't think there are any harmful drugs in it. Watch out for vomiting and diarrhea or a change in behavior. This change in behavior should not be an effect of your stress. If any of those happen, take him to the vet immediately, but it sounds like your dog will be just fine.
And the correct answer is....?
You could probably make a case for "historical" but I think there's a better answer there among the choices.
Was Reagan the worst President for the middle cl or has he been out done by?
Regan actually busted most of our Unions. By the time Bush was in, the damage was already done. Bush has taken us to new lows as an economy, but the damage was done by Regan.
Test your MMA knowledge predict UFC 118 closest to actual outcome gets 10 points?
Bj penn via 4th rnd submission,couture via 1st rnd tko,demian maia 2nd rnd submission,kenflo via UD,diaz via UD.
Which plants work best...?
Regarding your runoff issues I would recommend getting some type of drip irrigation system for watering. This will virtually eliminate runoff and reduce the amount of water needed drastically.
Would this car be a target for theft?
Personally because of the cost of gas today. You would save money by renting a economy car. The car will cost about 30. bucks a day to rent and will get you a lot of miles per tank full. The saving in gas alone will make up the difference the cost of fuel of your fury. And being garaged while away the fury will be best suited there. Just my opinion
Who sees Brandon Marshall in a Bears uniform next season?
I've been joking about this since Marshall started acting up at the beginning of the season. After the Bears tried talking to Shannahan and he denied them i figured they'd do something to get value out of Cutler. Cutler, right now, isn't fitting too well into the Bears offense right now and he needs some help around him if they want to get anything going. Marshall is a tremendous receiver and he could be the biggest cog in that offense just as he is in denver... i think he might be a little expensive and a little risky but the bears already traded away their future for Cutler... not much else to lose in the next couple seasons.
Giving your pearls to the swine?
dear siblings in christ , if my neighbor asked me for example, whats your secret to growing such good vegetables? but my neighbor was swine, a no good man who brought bad things upon people, like in my case making bombs next door and getting caught by fbi. so do i tell them the truth? if i dont tell the truth then im lying and going against gods wish's, and if i do tell them im also going against gods wish not to give pearls to swine.. so what to do?
Where is a good place to eat in Rosemont?
We're going out to dinner, four of us on a Saturday night (before Cheech & Chong- woo hoo). I'm looking for not more than $20 a plate.
I would like to have Y&R womens address so I could send hair clips...?
Sharon and Phyliss are constantly slinging, tucking, shaking thoses weaves out of their faces....have they not heard of decorative hair ornaments?
Is there any bomber and biker jacket supplier out there?
Check with J&P cycles. If your looking for companies that make or sell products. Take the name from the catalog and track them down that way.
What exactly do the -'s mean in dialogue in a book?
I think in your first example (Mockingbird) it's an interruption, but in your second example (Graveyard) I think it is to show an insertion of a related thought... like, he is kinda interrupting himself, but it is regarding the topic at hand...
The real terrorists of 9/11 framing Arabs?
My opinion is that we were attacked by Arabs. I just don't feel that there is sufficient evidence to blame the government, and I feel that the official story holds up. If you don't agree, that is fine. You have every right to say how you feel about this matter. If you are right, and it is someday proven that it was the government, then I will admire you. You would be right, I would be wrong. I admire you for wanting to bring who you feel is the true terrorist to justice. Get your evidence, bring them to court, prove them guilty, and then I will give you my praise.
How do I sound older on the phone?
I'm sixteen and I'm about to call a company for a phone interview. The thing is I sound like I'm 5 and I'm afraid theyll just hang up... (its happened before!!!) How do I sound older on the phone???
Why as a kid, everything that happens seems to be life and death?
But then when you become an adult, you laugh at all those "near death (or even heartache) happenings"? And then you tell your children not to worry, when it's only going through the same old cycle? Heck, when you're 17, and the "love" of your life has broken your heart, it seems so big. But maybe, there is someone else out there. How do you look past the "now" and hope for the "future". If this is making any sense :D
How come booze helps me work?
You have a serious problem. You sound drunk now. Alcohol just makes you think you are doing something better (drive, sing, pick up girls) but it doesn't. Buy since you are drunk you won't listen to me. You'll need alcohol to sneak up and bite you in the azz first.
Sunday, August 7, 2011
H22a4 turbo compatable?
Hello all I'm new to this and I have a great question,I have a 98 prelude sh with the h22a4 engine in it,what I'm wondering is can this stock engine handle a turbo kitk?Im not very mechanicly inclined and info would be greatlt apprwciated.Also if this stock engine cant handle a turbo kit what must I do before hand so I can turbo this thing up? Thx :)
How can I get my mind of the big fight I just had with my family and start studying for my BIOL II Midterm?
Use your anger and frustration to fuel you studying. Maybe you going to do something good for yourself with out there help and that makes you feel better about it.
What do you think of my poem...not meant to rhyme?
oh my gawd! i LOVE it!!! i can soooo relate. that's good. forgotten........ hmmmmmm............ try the rhyming next time. i think you'd be good at it.
Foo Fighters vs Alter Bridge?
Alter Bridge is way more talented than Foo Fighters... and AB's singer is much better than the Foo's one.
Who would win this trade?
its probably closer then it seems but Howard is a beast...I like Biedrins but hes not even close to Howard otherwise B gets the better deal
Explaining myself to First Sergeant?
Tell him that you joined the Army so that you wouldn't have to be in an office. Be respectful but tell him straight up. You dont necessarily have to bring up your past, but if you feel like its necessary to do so, I would do it.
Where can i find forever 21 shop in kuwait?!?
I don't know if there are stores in Kuwait but what you can do is buy stuff on line and send them to Kuwait... that's the only way I can think of.
Narrowing down my favorite boy names?
I like Robert, Jeremy, Matthew, Crispin, Patrick, Lennon, Lincoln, Kyle, Oliver, Edison, Jude, and Henry.
So i'm into painting. and i want a different name to sign my paintings with?
Like how some famous singers/actors change their name. I heard of an Artist named Art Stokes. it sounded so creative and cool! i want one that's unique and not just a regular boring name like Jen Smith etc. Im a girl too. Thanks! 10 points to best answer!
Would my roommate get deported for underage drinking, underage cig smoking, + smoking weed?
I didn't bother reading this whole thing. Anyone on a visa is expected to obey the laws or get deported. Underage drinking and use of illegal substances would get her kicked out. Call the state department and report her.
hey need some help please, who should i start this week and may sound nuts to some but marshawn lynch against carolina, or forte agaist cincy, i know its forte but getting a bit impatient, he hasnt done anything all year for us.... but looking for a few opinions, cant start him at flex either, have on, welker, and jennings at the 2 wr's and flex spot, and gore as my other rb, so really asking LYNCH, or FORTE??? thanks ....
Definition of a BAD BOY>((connected with my first question))on my page..?
most of the ppl i guess answered my question on my other BadBoy ques....but i think i kinda confused some pll by what i actually meant?...I guess wen i meant a badboy in my experience i have seen not only "Badboys" who treat women like crap? i mean as in looking or being called a badboy cuz maybe ur a thug/gangster...may do bad things like fight stealetc...but yet ive seen alot who r but treat their women like royalty & veeeery sweet! compared 2 so called mannered/buisness/educated guys but yet they seem to be the meanest/ugliest/ but yet i still dont see wut ppl mean by bad boys???oh well sorry if im still confusing...jus thought id add 2 my last question yesterday!!!lol
I like this boy in my cl but i don't know if he likes me back what should i do?
Ok.. there is this boy in my homeroom cl i like him so much but i dont know if he likes me, i dont want to tell any one that i like him because i dont know what my friends or family will think,my friends ask me all the time do i like anyone in my school but i say no because i dont know what they will say if i tell them,i know i should tell at least one person that i like him but who? my mom? my friends?or him?
What properties of radioactive isotopes make iodine useful?
Original question: Of the elements, oxgen, zinc, and iodine, which is likely to be a poo conductor of electricity and a brittle solid at room temperature? What properties of radioactive isotopes make them useful?
How the actoins of meiosis explain mendel's law of indepedent orment?
During prophase of meosis 1, the logous chromosome pairs form close attractions and line up close to eachother. This is called synapsis. When they are close enough, crossing over of genes occurs, some from one chromsome randomly switch with some of another. This makes a random ortment of genes and ensures that no two offspring will be the same because each chromsome will have a different genetic code due to crossing over. In the end of meosis you will have 4 genetically unique daughter cells due to the crossing over. I believe this is mendel's law of independent ortment.
Is this a cute outfit? Be Honest!?
Well, um, it's kinda, um...boring. It's what everybody else wears. If you really want to look different, try replacing the jeans for purple skinny jeans, add a weird necklace, and replace the jacket for a Member's Only Jacket. For the shoes, try patterned flats.
The universe operates under the laws of chance and probability, according to quantum physics ... agree ?
You should take a look at fractal geometry. See whether you still believe there is no order to anything after researching that. Yes, chance implies randomness. Mandelbrot's books on fractals demonstrates a pattern in chaos.
Do you think many fundamentalist Christians in the USA avoid science careers in fields which are likely to....?
No, I worked in a science field for many years but then I realized I have a higher calling and it not about debating about how the earth is but how to help those who inhabit this earth. Seem more important to be than some meaningless academic debate that in the end accomplishes nothing.
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