Sunday, August 14, 2011

Getting drunk for the first time?

eat a full meal but don't over eat. Make sure its something with bread and let it digest before you start drinking and take pretzels or peanuts in your pocket incase you get there and there is nothing to eat. If you are worried about getting smashed cut the alcohol with a non alcoholic drink pop, juice.... Coca Cola mixes well with most liquors. The other thing you can do is if they drink straight from the bottle make it look like your drinking but keep your mouth closed or spit into an empty beer bottle make it look like your chasing the liquor with beer. I wouldn't be too worried about what you will say because you shouldn't loose control of what your thoughts are just your motor skills so please DO NOT DRIVE after drinking unless you are 100% sure it is out of your system. (normally takes a few hours to clear your system but since it your 1st time wait longer than that)

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