Thursday, August 11, 2011

Can you tell me what happened to the WWII Germans POW during their captivity by the allies?

German POW's held by the US and UK were treated far better than our guys were. Many were paroled to work on local farms and industry around the various camps in the US. They were treated well and fed good. At the end of the war they were repatriated to europe but they were not free to just disapear. Most had to ist in rebuilding europe from damage caused by german aggression. POW's held by the Soviet Union did not have a very good time, Most were never heard from again, keep in mind that most soviet pow's taken by the germans were never heard from again as well. My grandfather was a combat medic in the 134th infantry regiment and was captured during operation market garden. He was placed in Stalag IIIC in east prussia where tens of thousands of soviet pow's were starved to death by the germans. My grandfather, a us army sgt was murdered in this stalag by a german guard.

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